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What's happening in the world of digital learning?

Ashleigh Hull
Dec 2, 2020
Designing Learning Campaigns
What’s the point of learning? It might seem like a trick question, but seriously - what’s the point? Specifically, what’s the point of...

Ashleigh Hull
Jun 4, 2018
Why VR?
Our previous blog gives some excellent reasons why you would use video, or interactive video, for learning. But the elearning world is...

Ashleigh Hull
May 21, 2018
Why Interactive Video?
Why video? Here are 3 reasons why you should use video in learning - though there are many more. Storytelling Firstly, video is a medium...

Ashleigh Hull
Mar 26, 2018
Introducing: Transition's Easter Games
We thought we'd spread some Easter joy this year, so we've built a couple of games for you. Have fun! Lee's Easter Egg Hunt Think you...

Ashleigh Hull
Mar 26, 2018
5 Dangers On Your Quest To Create Incredible Microlearning
On your quest to create incredible microlearning, you will encounter many dangers. Heed our warnings to reach your goal unscathed. What...

Ashleigh Hull
Mar 19, 2018
How Microlearning Benefits Learners: An Apology From L&D
Dear Learner, We know how busy you are. You’ve got a job, a family, a social life, and a pressing biological need to sleep. There are...

Ashleigh Hull
Apr 18, 2016
This One's On Us
Some freebie ideas you could use to improve engagement in your learning (wahoo!). One of the things I've been thinking about lately is,...

Ashleigh Hull
Feb 26, 2016
What's It All For?
Have we forgotten that learning is about the learner? That's the main thought I came away from the Learning Technologies conference with...

Ashleigh Hull
Nov 11, 2015
Ready, Set, Engage: Interactive Video
"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I may remember. Involve me and I learn." Benjamin Franklin The words interactive video have been...
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