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What's happening in the world of digital learning?

Ashleigh Hull
Apr 24, 2017
Deep Learning
Understanding concepts. Relating ideas. Thinking critically, questioning conclusions and assumptions. This is what deep learning is all...

Ashleigh Hull
Nov 14, 2016
Ask 'Why?'
“Give me an elearning course!” is a cry you must hear very frequently. Possibly preceded by, “we need to tell our staff about this new...

Ashleigh Hull
Apr 11, 2016
Giving Learners Superpowers
I have been asking a lot of questions, and not offering any answers. This seems unfair of me. 'Where are the games?' I asked. Your...

Ashleigh Hull
Feb 29, 2016
What's Your Score Actually Telling You?
I had a chat with Miles Corbett (managing director) the other day about scoring in elearning. He seemed very agitated about it so I sat...

Ashleigh Hull
Nov 11, 2015
Ready, Set, Engage: Interactive Video
"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I may remember. Involve me and I learn." Benjamin Franklin The words interactive video have been...

Ashleigh Hull
Feb 2, 2015
Escape Plans: When Bad Elearning Turns You Into Houdini
Does learning have to be so boring? We've all been there with compliance training. Someone sits us down in front of a video or PowerPoint...
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