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What's happening in the world of digital learning?

Ashleigh Hull
Feb 5, 2018
Storytelling In Learning: Some Examples
Stories engage, and stories teach; it makes a great deal of sense to use stories in learning. We explored how and why you should do this...

Ashleigh Hull
Jan 22, 2018
Storytelling In Learning: Why & How
Stories are incredibly powerful - and that's a power we can harness in the learning we create.

Ashleigh Hull
Dec 20, 2017
When We Fail, We Learn
How can we harness the power of failure for learning and innovation? Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more...

Ashleigh Hull
Jul 17, 2017
The Attention Span Crisis
Is the idea of an attention span basically rubbish? One of the few things that we can say is that attention span varies and it [is]...

Ashleigh Hull
Apr 24, 2017
Deep Learning
Understanding concepts. Relating ideas. Thinking critically, questioning conclusions and assumptions. This is what deep learning is all...

Ashleigh Hull
Feb 26, 2016
What's It All For?
Have we forgotten that learning is about the learner? That's the main thought I came away from the Learning Technologies conference with...
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